
Hi! I’m Heather. I’m a Christ-follower, wife, mom to Eugie, teacher, artist, home cook, and writer.

Welcome! Thank you for dropping by.

From living in bustling Tokyo metropolis to driving through remote villages of Pakistan to settling and starting a family right next to the Big Apple, there are always new things to see and get used to. As someone who is from Canada but mostly grew up outside of it, it’s easy to be discouraged that there is no place that I can truly call home. Instead, my eyes are opened to the fact that heaven is my true and eternal home that I can look forward to. Yet, I strive to live every day on this earth for the Kingdom that Yeshua brought; it is here and not yet. He came to give life and give it abundantly.

I write to think through what has challenged me, to encourage others and to share things that I love. I want to portray how God is working here (wherever “here” is at the time of writing!) I want my life to be centered around Yeshua, and Yeshua was all about loving people.

I love long walks with my family, sharing meals around the table, Korean fried chicken, and anything chocolate.